Cognitive Restructuring

Online Course + App

Master your thoughts
and take ownership over your life

This science-based online course will teach you how to break negative thinking patterns that hold you back and cause stress in your life. 

Cognitive exercises
  •   Science-based Positive Psychology and Cognitive-behavioural Therapy Tools
  • Grounded in Evidence-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Techniques 
  •  Guided Meditations and Visualisations
Emotional Intelligence
  •   Reflection-based Activities to Focus Attention Inward
cognitive distortions, cognitive restructuring, change negative thinking

Change your negative thinking online course

if you want to:

The package includes

a diverse range of science-based positive psychology and cognitive-behavioural

therapy tools (cognitive exercises, meditations and visualisation).


Cognitive distortion online course. Positive psychology exercises. Change your negative thoughts and beliefs. 

transformational breathwork
Mind & Emotions
  1. Exploring The Benefits of Change
  2. How Thoughts Drive Your Emotions
  3. The Effects of Language on Thinking, Emotion, and Physiology
  4. Cognitive Restructuring
  5. Inspiration and Dealing with Challenges
  6. De-catastrophizing
  7. Shifting Your Thoughts
  8. Yes-Mindset Versus No-Mindset
  9. Circuit-Breaker – Manage Emotional Storms 
  10. Changing Unhelpful Thoughts
  11. Emotion Regulation Strategies
  12. Turbulent Times – Navigate Through Uncertainty
  13. From Cognitive Fusion To Defusion
  14. Solution-Focused Guided Imagery